30-12-2013 22:48
Met dank aan Pieter voor de link.
Welcome to YoungPharmacists
YoungPharmacists is a website dedicated to Pharmacy and Medical students. Our mission is to provide students with free resources, such as E-books, Assignments, and Presentations, as to stimulate professional learning.
This website is made with an aim to link and create interaction amongst all professionals and students around the world associated with the Pharmacy and Medical fields.
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28-12-2013 13:28
Basic taste qualities like sour, salty, sweet, bitter and umami serve specific functions in identifying food components found in the diet of humans and animals, and are recognized by proteins in the oral cavity. Recognition of bitter taste and aversion to it are thought to protect the organism against the ingestion of poisonous food compounds, which are often bitter. Interestingly, bitter taste receptors are expressed not only in the mouth but also in extraoral tissues, such as the gastrointestinal tract, indicating that they may play a role in digestive and metabolic processes. BitterDB database, available at https://bitterdb.agri.huji.ac.il/bitterdb/, includes over 550 compounds that were reported to taste bitter to humans. The compounds can be searched by name, chemical structure, similarity to other bitter compounds, association with a particular human bitter taste receptor, and so on. The database also contains information on mutations in bitter taste receptors that were shown to influence receptor activation by bitter compounds. The aim of BitterDB is to facilitate studying the chemical features associated with bitterness. These studies may contribute to predicting bitterness of unknown compounds, predicting ligands for bitter receptors from different species and rational design of bitterness modulators.
Lees meer: https://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/40/D1/D413.long
28-12-2013 13:13
Wat kan je verwachten op deze dynamische online stevia-lovers community? Stevia-nieuws, acties, inspiratie, tips en tricks voor een gezonde en lekkere stevia-beleving.
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28-12-2013 12:41
COSMEBIO, de associatie achter het biocosmeticalabel lanceerde dit najaar het nieuwe label ‘NAT’. Met die lancering wil men de consument de nodige zekerheid bieden in een jungle van claims en labels. De associatie wil met ‘Nat’ vooral de zogenaamde ‘greenwashing’ van sommige cosmeticaproducenten counteren.
Het ‘NAT’ label wil vooral transparantie brengen zoals ook het biocosmeticalabel doet. Zo moet er minimum 95% natuurlijke ingrediënten aanwezig zijn in het product en moet dit aantal ook op de verpakking vermeld zijn. Het label moet ook transparantie bieden: de eventueel aanwezige synthetische ingrediënten dienen telkens op een bijhorende positieflijst te staan en altijd vermeld te worden op de verpakking. Ook qua traceerbaarheid en milieubescherming worden een aantal vereisten gesteld aan de producenten.