
Effect van Kaneel op Diabetes type II (artikel van Herbalgram)

09-03-2014 19:33
The Journal of the American Botanical Council
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Issue: 101 Page: 28-29

Updated Meta-Analysis Shows Beneficial Effect of Cinnamon Supplements on Type 2 Diabetes 

by Cheryl McCutchan, PhD

HerbalGram. 2013; American Botanical Council

Reviewed: Allen RW, Schwartzman E, Baker WL, Coleman CI, Phung OJ. Cinnamon use in type 2 diabetes: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Fam Med. 2013;11(5):452-459.

Type 2 diabetes results in impaired glycemic control and potential complications from cardiovascular disease. The main forms of treatment for type 2 diabetes include medication, lifestyle adjustments, and dietary modifications. Dietary supplements are not generally recommended as a treatment by the American Diabetes Association because the organization believes that the clinical efficacy of supplements has not been sufficiently established and because there is a lack of “standardized formulations.” (Presumably, this refers to the fact that there are various types of cinnamon formulations, for example, that have shown some degree of clinical efficacy, and — unlike single chemical entity pharmaceutical medications — cinnamon dietary supplements contain numerous naturally occurring phytochemicals, more than one of which may contribute to the formulations physiological effect.) 

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp., Lauraceae) has been demonstrated in basic research studies to lower serum lipids and blood glucose, promote insulin release, enhance insulin sensitivity, increase insulin disposal, and regulate protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1β and insulin receptor kinase. In studies with diabetic rats, cinnamon extracts were shown to increase the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). PPARs are targeted in therapies for diabetes and hyperlipidemia (high levels of blood lipids, e.g., cholesterol) and have been shown to increase insulin sensitivity and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels in addition to decreasing triglyceride levels.

Evidence from previous human clinical trials has shown conflicting effects of cinnamon on blood glucose and lipids. The authors of the this review found no significant relationship between cinnamon and measures of type 2 diabetes in a previous meta-analysis published in 2008.1 For their current paper, they repeated the meta-analysis with the addition of five new randomized, controlled studies.

The databases MEDLINE®Embase™, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) were searched through February 2012 using the keywords cinnamon and diabetes. Studies were considered for inclusion in the analysis if they were randomized, controlled trials that investigated type 2 diabetes using cinnamon supplements in any dose or form. The studies had to have one of the following dependent variables measured to be considered for analysis: glycosylated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c), fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), HDL-C, or triglycerides (TGs). All of the potentially relevant articles were reviewed by two of the investigators. Author identification, year of publication, study design, source of study funding, study duration and follow-up, study population, sample size, time since diagnosis, cinnamon dose, product name and brand, formulation used, and cinnamon species were recorded. Baseline data for hemoglobin A1c level, fasting plasma glucose level, body weight, body mass index, TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, and TGs were recorded. The studies were checked for bias with the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool. The mean change from baseline for levels of hemoglobin A1c, fasting plasma glucose, TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, and TGs were analyzed with Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software, version 2 (Biostat). Both heterogeneity among studies and publication bias were calculated. The effects of cinnamon dosage and form were calculated with subgroup analysis.

Ten studies met the criteria imposed by the authors (n=543 subjects). Of these, eight trials had measures of hemoglobin A1c, LDL-C, and HDL-C, and eight trials had measures of fasting plasma glucose, TC, and TGs. Eight of the studies used formulations of C. aromaticum (syn. C. cassia) and two did not state the species of cinnamon. The dosage of cinnamon ranged from 120 mg per day to six grams per day. There was variation among the studies as to when the cinnamon supplements were administered relative to meals. In seven studies, participants took the cinnamon supplements with a meal. In the remaining studies, participants took supplements either before (one study) or after a meal (two studies).

Cinnamon supplements significantly reduced fasting plasma glucose by a weighted average of 24.59 mg/dL. This is a slightly greater reduction than that seen with the antihyperglycemic drug sitagliptin (-16 to -21 mg/dL), but considerably lower than that found with metformin monotherapy (-58 mg/dL). LDL-C and TGs also were reduced in patients who took cinnamon supplements when compared to control patients (-9.4 mg/dL and -29.6 mg/dL, respectively). Again, these reductions are considerably less than in patients on conventional medications; pravastatin and gemfibrozil have been shown to decrease both LDL-C and TGs by -50 mg/dL. HDL-C was significantly increased (1.66 mg/dL) in patients who took cinnamon supplements. There was no effect of cinnamon on hemoglobin A1c levels; however, when only capsule formulations of cinnamon were considered, hemoglobin A1c was significantly decreased (-0.27%).

There was a high level of heterogeneity among the studies for hemoglobin A1c, fasting plasma glucose, TC, LDL-C, and TGs. This may be the result of variation among the studies in the patients’ age and health and in the dosage and form of cinnamon supplements used. There was also potential publication bias for fasting plasma glucose. No difference was seen in glycemic or lipid measures with cinnamon dosage.

These trends are similar to the authors’ findings from their 2008 meta-analysis, but the five additional randomized, controlled trials have allowed the authors to conclude that cinnamon does, indeed, have a positive, significant effect on some measures of glycemic and lipid metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes. This publication is consistent with another previous meta-analysis by other researchers of eight randomized, controlled trials on cinnamon preparations, which showed that cinnamon supplementation resulted in a statistically significant reduction of fasting blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.2

—Cheryl McCutchan, PhD


1.         Baker WL, Gutierrez-Williams G, White CM, Kluger J, Coleman CI. Effect of cinnamon on glucose control and lipid parameters.Diabetes Care. 2008;31(1):41-43.

2.        Davis PA, Yokoyama W. Cinnamon intake lowers fasting blood glucose: meta-analysis. J Med Food. April 2011; [epub ahead of print]. doi:10.1089/jmf.2010.0180.

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Zomerkamp "Planetwatch" voor jongeren (geboren in 2000 ,2001,2002)

23-01-2014 11:10

inschrijven op:


Zomerkamp Planetwatch

RVO-Society organiseert voor het eerst dit jaar het zomerkampPLANETWATCH.

Het kamp is gericht op jongeren die geboeid zijn door wetenschappen en houden van de natuur en onze planeet. Zij zullen tijdens deze 4 dagen via enkele wetenschappelijke onderzoekjes en leuke activiteiten ontdekken en in kaart brengen hoe het gesteld is met onze aarde.

Een voorsmaakje:

  • Wat zijn bio-indicatoren?
  • Wat zijn foodmiles?
  • Waarom zijn bijen zo belangrijk voor onze planeet?
  • Leer werken met een gps
  • Leer bomen op naam brengen
  • Leer micro-organismen opkweken
  • Leer zelf kaas maken
  • Onderzoek de vervuiling van lucht of water in de omgeving
  • Onderzoek hoe je een duurzame yoghurt kan maken 


Wie: jongeren geboren in 2000, 2001 of 2002

Waar: RVO-Society, imec - Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Heverlee (Leuven)

Wanneer: maandag en dinsdag 7, 8 juli en 14, 15 juli 2014, telkens van 9u tot 16u30 (enkel de laatste dag zullen we wat langer aan de slag gaan)

Meer info: Deelnemers brengen zelf eten mee. 
Maximum aantal deelnemers: 12

Prijs: 100EUR




Kruiden onder de Loep (educatief programma voor scholen)

20-01-2014 23:55

Abdijsite Herkenrode - Inspiratietuinen De Abdijsite Herkenrode, dat is een boeiend verleden in een prachtige omgeving. De oude hoevegebouwen van de abdij van Herkenrode en de omliggende 100 hectare natuurgebied vormen samen een domein waar heel wat te beleven valt. Midden in het bijzondere natuurlandschap liggen de 2 hectare grote Inspiratie- en kruidentuinen. Educatief programma: Kruiden onder de loep Waarom maakten edelvrouwen in de middeleeuwen gezichtsmaskers van kamille? Wat gebeurt er als je met een salieblad over je tanden wrijft? Waarom vind je vaak vlierstruiken dicht bij de deur van oude boerderijen? Het antwoord op deze vragen en heel wat andere interessante weetjes, verhaaltjes en doe-activiteiten zitten in het educatief pakket ‘Kruiden onder de loep’. Je kan met je klas een halve dag komen vertoeven in de schitterende omgeving van deze voormalige abdij. Aan de hand van een uitgebreide documentatieset die je vooraf ontvangt op CD-rom en een onderzoekspakket ter plaatse, maak je een korte wandeling in het omliggende natuurlandschap en breng je een bezoek aan de Inspiratie- en kruidentuinen. Neem een loep mee op pad en ontdek de geheimen van kruiden… 

Doelgroep: 9- tot 14-jarigen 

Tijdstip: elke schooldag in september, oktober en vanaf april tot juni 

Duur: wandeling en bezoek duren ongeveer 90 min 

Prijs: bezoek met vooraf het documentatiemateriaal: € 40 / klas Kruidengids* per groep van 25 kinderen: € 50 *Het bezoek is mogelijk met of zonder gids. De kruidengidsen hebben allen een diploma ‘herborist’. Bij begeleiding door de leerkracht is enige voorbereiding vooraf aan de hand van het documentatiemateriaal nodig. 

Meer informatie en boekingen: Abdijsite Herkenrode Herkenrodeabdij 4, 3511 Hasselt T 011 23 96 70 / Openingsuren Inspiratie- en kruidentuinen • 1 april tot 31 oktober • van 10.00u tot 17.00u • elke dag, behalve maandag Picknick Bij goed weer picknicken buiten mogelijk. Gebruik van cafetaria mogelijk tot max. 20 personen en mits het nemen van een consumptie.

lees minder
Herkenrodeabdij 4
3511 Hasselt 
011 23 96 70

- See more at:


Petities voor onze bijenvrienden!!!!

20-01-2014 21:27
༺♥༻  Save the Bees!!! ༺♥༻

►►Your voice will make a difference. 
Please my friends Sign & Share:

►1. Demand a ban on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides linked to mass bee deaths. Here's a petition to sign in Canada:

►2. and one in the US:

Signing petitions of course isn't enough, though. The idea that we risk the end of pollinators critical to our food supply to protect corporate insecticide profits makes me too angry for words to adequately express. 

No more bees? See if this article doesn't make you feel some urgent attention is needed.

And here's another take on the same subject

Fig wasps, another major pollinator, are under threat, too, although there we see that the major culprit is our changing climate, which is another unnecessary apocalypse we're inflicting on ourselves.

Will banning these pesticides harm crop yields?

Here's a list of the pesticide components to look for on the labels of pesticides you may even be using at home.

There's a list of home and garden products in the UK by brand name that include these pesticides,

@[232895076755516:274:༺༻ Warrior Of Light ༺༻]
༺♥༻ Save the Bees!!! ༺♥༻ ►►Your voice will make a difference. Please my friends Sign & Share: ►1. Demand a ban on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides linked to mass bee deaths. Here's a petition to sign in Canada: ►2. and one in the US: Signing petitions of course isn't enough, though. The idea that we risk the end of pollinators critical to our food supply to protect corporate insecticide profits makes me too angry for words to adequately express. No more bees? See if this article doesn't make you feel some urgent attention is needed. And here's another take on the same subject Fig wasps, another major pollinator, are under threat, too, although there we see that the major culprit is our changing climate, which is another unnecessary apocalypse we're inflicting on ourselves. banning these pesticides harm crop yields? Here's a list of the pesticide components to look for on the labels of pesticides you may even be using at home. There's a list of home and garden products in the UK by brand name that include these pesticides, ༺༻ Warrior Of Light ༺༻



miracle fruit

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A description of the miracle berry has been circulating this week with a poorly photoshopped image. It doesn't look like a purple watermelon, but the miracle berry IS a real fruit.

Synsepalum dulcificum contains a glycoprotein molecule called miraculin. This binds to the taste buds on the tongue and temporarily affects taste perception. Incredibly sour foods such as lemons and limes taste very sweet.

