
Recette sauvage - Chips d'ortie

02-05-2014 19:58

Recette sauvage - Chips d'ortie

Ingrédients :
- Quelques dizaines de feuilles d’ortie
- Des épices selon vos goûts (Sel, poivre, paprika, curry, …)
- Une friteuse et de l’huile

Recette :
- Coupez les jeunes feuilles d’ortie
- Faites chauffer l’huile dans une friteuse
- Une fois à température, mettez délicatement une poignée de feuille dans l’huile.
- Sortez les feuilles de l’huile avant qu'elles ne brunissent (une dizaine de seconde), et déposez-les sur du papier absorbant.
- Salez et épicez comme il vous plaît.


Recette savon - Fabrication de savon personnalisé

02-05-2014 19:57

Recette savon - Fabrication de savon personnalisé

Une technique toute simple pour récupérer les restes de savon et créer un savon neuf sur mesure.

Matériel :

- Une casserole, une cuillère, une râpe, un verre doseur
- 500 gr de savon
- une plaque de cuisson
- un liquide : eau, lait, thé...
- des moules (fonds de bouteille, berlingots vides, pots de yaourt...)
- des huiles essentielles (lavande, petit grain bigarade sont très bien tolérés par tous), des fleurs séchées ou herbes aromatiques, cacao, épices (cannelle, curcuma...), des flocons d'avoine ... Ce que vous souhaitez ajouter pour personnaliser votre savon.

Préparation :

- Râper le savon
- Faire chauffer dans la casserole 340 ml du liquide de votre choix : ça doit être très chaud mais ne pas bouillir.
- Rajouter 500 gr de savon râpé progressivement, tout en remuant avec le fouet et en vérifiant que tout fonde bien
- Ajouter les ingrédients pour personnaliser le savon
- Verser dans le moule et réserver au moins 24 heures avant de tenter de démouler
- Il faudra laisser sécher le savon plusieurs jours dans un endroit sec, avant de pouvoir l'utiliser


Acties in Wallonië voor de bijtjes

02-05-2014 19:48


Une recette de printemps ? La gramaillotte ou gelée de fleurs de pissenlit.

02-05-2014 19:42

 Une recette de printemps ? La gramaillotte ou gelée de fleurs de pissenlit. Notre balade « cuisine sauvage au fil des chemins » est complète ! Voici une recette de consolation à se mettre sous la dent !

A manger sur une tartine, dans du yaourt, pour remplacer le miel,...


  • 0,75 l d’eau
  • ± 200 capitules ouverts de pissenlit (s’ ils restent fermés par cause de mauvais temps, c’est possible de les ouvrir et de les utiliser, en vérifiant qu’ils ne soient pas flétris)
  • 1/2 citron
  • 1/2 orange
  • ± 500 g de sucre gélifiant


  • Détacher les fleurs jaunes du centre, ne pas prendre les parties vertes (réceptacle et involucre) qui les entourent
  • Mettre les fleurs à chauffer avec l’eau, le jus de l’orange et du citron pendant ± 1/4 heure sans bouillir !
  • Passer à travers une étamine et presser pour extraire un maximum de jus.
  • Peser le jus obtenu et ajouter du sucre dans le rapport de 1 kg de pour 1 kg de jus

Compter  au moins 2 minutes à partie de l’ébullition (vérifier si la confiture est prise en laissant tomber une goutte sur une assiette placée 1/4 h au congélateur), mettre en bocaux



Nieuwe boeken voorgesteld door American Botanical Council

12-04-2014 13:41
ChocolateChocolate: History, Culture, and Heritage by Louis Evan Grivetti and Howard-Yana Shapiro, eds., 2009.

At more than 1,000 pages, this compilation of essays from various scholars provides a comprehensive look at the many historical uses of chocolate. The book’s 56 chapters are divided into 11 parts organized by time, place, or general theme, including chapters on the use of chocolate by early cultures; chapters on the medicinal uses of cacao in North America; chapters on advertising campaigns; and multiple chapters on chocolate serving dishes or “chocolate pots.” This work has a wide-reaching appeal with its incredible variety of chapter topics from science and recipes to history and culture. Hardcover, 1064 pages.

Price: $103.95 (ABC Member Price: $93.56) Purchase Now

Essential Oil SafetyEssential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Practitioners, 2nd edition, by Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, 2014. 

This almost totally rewritten new edition is an extensive text on essential oil-drug interactions that also provides detailed essential oil constituent data. It includes 400 detailed essential oil profiles and almost 4000 references. New chapters on the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, respiratory, and urinary systems are included. Softcover, 592 pages. 

Price: $96.95 (ABC Member Price: $87.26)  Purchase Now

Evidence-based Approach to PhytochemicalsAn Evidence-based Approach to Phytochemicals and Other Dietary Factors, 2nd edition, by Jane Higdon and Victoria Drake, 2012. 

This completely updated second edition is a trusted resource for health professionals who need to interpret the explosion of information on the role of a plant-based diet in health and disease. It consolidates a wealth of scientifically accurate, peer-reviewed data on plant foods, dietary phytochemicals, and dietary supplements, and includes information on essential intake recommendations, dietary sources, nutrient and drug interactions, phytochemicals in disease prevention, possible adverse effects, and much more. Hardcover, 328 pages.

Price: $79.99 (ABC Member Price: $71.99)  Purchase Now

Fighting Multidrug ResistanceFighting Multidrug Resistance with Herbal Extracts, Essential Oils, and Their Components by Mahendra Rai and Kateryna Kon, 2011.

This essential reference discusses herbal extracts and essential oils used or under investigation to treat MDR infections, as well as those containing antimicrobial activity that could be of potential interest in future studies against MDR microorganisms. This book provides important coverage of mechanism of action, the advantages and disadvantages of using herbal extracts, essential oils and their components, and more to aid researchers in effective antimicrobial drug discovery. Hardcover, 296 pages.

Price: $129.95 (ABC Member Price: $116.96)  Purchase Now

Green Tea Polyphenols.jpgGreen Tea Polyphenols: Nutraceuticals of Modern Life by Lekh R. Juneja, Mahendra P. Kapoor, Tsutomu Okubo, Theertham P. Rao, eds., 2013. 

Each chapter of this compilation addresses a specific aspect of recent research and development of green tea polyphenols. Topics covered include history, processing, chemical composition, biochemical and physicochemical characteristics, as well as a discussion of the properties of green tea polyphenols, including metabolism, bioavailability, safety, and health benefits. Hardcover, 348 pages.

Price: $129.95 (ABC Member Price: $116.96)  Purchase Now

Handbook of Plant Food PhytochemicalsHandbook of Plant Food Phytochemicals: Sources, Stability and Extraction by Brijesh K. Tiwari, Nigel P. Brunton, and Charles Brennan, 2013. 

This handbook provides an overview and evaluation of the occurrence, significance, and factors affecting phytochemicals in plant foods. Evaluation of the evidence for and against the quantifiable health benefits being imparted is expressed in terms of the reduction in the risk of disease conferred through the consumption of foods that are rich in phytochemicals. Hardcover, 526 pages.

Price: $199.95 (ABC Member Price: $179.96)  Purchase Now

Medicinal Plant Research in AfricaMedicinal Plant Research in Africa: Pharmacology and Chemistry by Victor Kuete, 2013.

The first global standard on the nature and specificity of chemicals isolated in African medicinal plants, this book also brings together and discusses the main bioactive metabolites of these plants. It explores the essence of natural substances from African medicinal plants and their pharmacological potential. Hardcover, 916 pages.

Price: $175.00 (ABC Member Price: $157.50)  Purchase Now


Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy, 2nd edPrinciples and Practice of Phytotherapy, 2nd edition, by Kerry Bone and Simon Mills, 2013. 

Recipient of the ABC 2013 James A. Duke Excellence in Botanical Literature Award.

This newly updated edition is divided into three key parts. The first defines the underlying principles and knowledge base of modern phytotherapy; the second explores the role of plants as therapeutic agents in a clinical setting; the third contains 50 detailed herbal monographs. It focuses on a modern clinical approach including how and when to use specific herbs in response to approximately 100 modern ailments. This book covers traditional use and scientific research, safety, and effective dosage. The foreword was written by ABC Founder and Executive Director Mark Blumenthal. Hardcover, 1056 pages.

Price: $125.00 (ABC Member Price: $112.50)  Purchase Now      



Komende lezingen van de Brandende Netel

12-04-2014 13:30
Beste herborist, kruidenverwerker, kruidenteler, gezondheids-/voedingsconsulent, diëtist(e), ...
Wij willen je graag herinneren aan deze boeiende en informatieve lezing, waarin ereprofessor Marcel De Cleene op heel aangename en begrijpelijke wijze vertelt over hoe het plantenrijk zijn stempel drukte op rituelen en het geloof bij heel wat volkeren. 
Giftige planten behoorden (en behoren) hier zeker en vast bij.
Wanneer? Vrijdag 25/04/2014 - 19h00 tot 21h30
Waar? Poortgebouw (3de verdieping) - Abdijsite Herkenrode, Herkenrodeabdij 4, 3511 Hasselt (Kuringen)
Inkom? 10 euro (8 euro voor leden vtbKultuur), ter plaatse te betalen
Inschrijven is nodig  via T +32 011-23.96.70 of via
Alle info vind je nogmaals via het onderstaande
Noteer je alvast ook de eerstvolgende lezingen uit de reeks?
- 23/05/2014, 19h00: "Soepele gewrichten op natuurlijke wijze? Het kan!" door Luc Vanderkragt
- 26/06/2014, 19h00: "Opgeblazen gevoel en abdominale spanningen: de natuur brengt een snelle en blijvende verlichting"
Hopelijk kunnen we jullie massaal begroeten!
Met vriendelijke groeten,
De Brandende Netel



NU inschrijven voor komende lezing Brandende netel

21-03-2014 12:58
Beste herborist, kruidenverwerker, kruidenteler, gezondheids-/voedingsconsulent, diëtist(e), ...,
Ben je nog wakker?
Wil je graag dat je (nieuwe) zomerkleding terug te past?
Wil je meer te weten komen hoe je die "extra kilootjes bijkomen", kunt vermijden?
Wel, dat kan!
Het begint door je NU in te schrijven voor deze boeiende en informatieve lezing, waarin de herboristen Annelies Janssens en Annemie Porteman duidelijk maken dat er echt wel planten bestaan die beter werken dan alleen maar calorieën tellen.
Wanneer? Vrijdag 28/03/2014 - 19h00 tot 22h00
Waar? Poortgebouw (3de verdieping) - Abdijsite Herkenrode, Herkenrodeabdij 4, 3511 Hasselt (Kuringen)
Inkom? 10 euro (8 euro voor leden vtbKultuur), ter plaatse te betalen
Inschrijven is nodig  via T +32 011-23.96.70 of via
Alle info vind je nogmaals via het onderstaande
Noteer je alvast ook de eerstvolgende lezingen  uit de reeks?
- 25/04/2014, 19h00: "Risicoplanten voor mens en dier" door Marcel De Cleene
- 23/05/2014, 19h00: "Soepele gewrichten op natuurlijke wijze? Het kan!"
Hopelijk kunnen we jullie massaal begroeten!
Met vriendelijke groeten,
De Brandende Netel




14-03-2014 20:34

The Herbalista Free Clinic (aka The Herb Bus) is a traveling clinic offering herbal care and basic first aid to underserved population, including Atlanta’s homeless.  A literal pop up clinic, we travel in Luna, a 1990 VW Westfalia camper van.


While this sweet bus has travelled the country for years, schlepping gear to provide herbal first aid clinics, education, and harvest medicine, it was only in February 2013 that we began to offer a regularly recurring clinic to treat chronic care conditions (constitutional medicine).  We currently service two locations in the Atlanta area (returning monthly to do follow up care) and hope to add more stations to our route as support for the herb bus grows.

In a typical clinic, we see between 6-8 patients, depending on how many are new visitors and how many are there for follow-ups / refills.  The consults and the herbs dispensed are FREE.  And I might clarify, that while they are free to patients seeking care, the cost to the Herb Bus does add up.  The medicines dispensed average around $300 per clinic.  This doesn’t take into account the crew who donates their time or the maintenance of the bus (who, in her 24th year, isn’t without her aches & pains.)  While the Herb Bus is a labor of love, community support is vital to making this project a sustainable endeavor.

This summer we did a mini tour from the southeast to the mountains of Montana, offering clinical care, education, and harvesting sweet, sweet herbs to stock our apothecary.  This trip highlighted the need for this type of care and we dream of a more extended tour in 2014 to teach the method to our madness, hopefully planting the seeds for other herb buses that can service their local communities.  I have been working on The Herb Bus Service Manual in an attempt to pull aside the curtains and share the nuts and bolts of facilitating a free mobile herbal clinic.

SUPPORT THE HERB BUS  Thanks to everyone who has supported this project herbally, inspirationally, creatively, organizationally, economically, logistically, and all the rest of it too!!

The Herb Bus is partnered with The Baraka Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization. All donations to the Herb Bus are tax deductible.  If you are interested in supporting the bus, please click here.

Viva la Herb Bus!


Geef jouw opdracht aan de toekomstige regering

14-03-2014 19:18

Als herborist is natuur essentieel, het is de plaats waar onze wilde kruiden groeien.

Vandaar zou ik jullie millen aanmoedigen om dit initiatief van Natuurpunt te steunen!

Geef jouw opdracht aan de toekomstige regering

Wat zou jij doen als nieuwe Minister van Natuur? Inspireer de toekomstige regering met jouw opdracht voor meer natuur in Vlaanderen. Met alle opdrachten samen trekt Natuurpunt na de verkiezingen naar de nieuwe ministers. Laat de natuur niet barsten!


Meer info op:




Volg gratis online een cursus voedingsleer van de John Hopkins University

09-03-2014 20:10
